Make it Bleasurable: 5 ways you can turn your business trip into a mini-break

It goes without saying that we have all had an incredibly difficult and uncertain year. In fact, one study found that employee burnout has risen in the last 12 months, with 52% of workers feeling burned out, and 67% believing that this is partly to do with the pandemic.

To make sure that you keep your work-life balance in check and rejuvenate your mental health, it is important to take regular breaks. If you do not get alot of annual leave, however, this might seem like an impossible task. If this is the case, why not consider turning your business trip into a mini break?

Bleasure: the perfect combination of business and pleasure

Known colloquially as ‘bleasure’, or ‘bleisure’ if you’re from the US, why not combine your business, pleasure, and leisure by turning your business trip into a revitalizing mini-break. Here are 5 simple ways that you can easily make your trip bleasurable.

  1. Choose a hotel with fantastic amenities that is in a great location

Your hotel will be your base for your bleasure trip – so make sure that it is a great one, in an even greater location. When you have so little time, you do not want to waste any on long taxi rides or commutes.

In London, Dorsett Hotel, City is situated in the heart of the city and the entrance to London’s East End so that you can enjoy some R&R when you have some down time. It is also close to public transport links, such as buses, London Underground stations, and of course the river Thames.

  1. Plan meetings in unusual or casual locations

Meetings do not have to always take place in dark and dingy office buildings. Make the most of your time in the big city by planning meetings in fun, unusual or must-see places with a casual atmosphere, where you can sample the local cuisine whilst also impressing your clients.

  1. Make the most of your time by getting up early

If you every get a morning off, do not be tempted to sleep in! Even if your meeting starts at 9am, wake up early and use the first couple of hours of the day to do something for yourself.

  1. Try to book off time either side of your business trip

Why not try and book some time off either side of your business trip, even if this only extends your mini break by an extra day or two. This will take the pressure off you trying to find time for yourself, so that you can truly and freely enjoy your stay in the city whilst you are already there.

  1. Know your limits and manage your expectations

However, it does pay to mention that you should not try to do too much within your limited time. When you only have a small window of opportunity to explore, trying to do too much can be more detrimental than it does any good. Therefore, it is important to know and respect your limits, and remember to manage your expectations for the trip.

And there you have it – 5 ways that you can turn your business trip into a bleasurable mini break, allowing you to go return home having successfully charmed your clients and spent some quality time on yourself.

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