Setting up an Instagram account for companies

Instagram account for companies

Instagram account for companies is the professional version of this social network for companies and brands to enhance their image. Let’s see how to take the first steps. The figures given by Instagram are clear. “Every month, there are more than one billion active Instagram accounts around the world.” “More than 500 million Instagram accounts around the world are active every day.” “80% of the accounts follow a company on Instagram.” That said, isn’t it worth it for any professional and business to have a presence on Instagram?

Hence Instagram Business or Instagram for companies, which has its own page where you can answer questions and consult material to get an idea of the many things that our company can do on Instagram.

Of course, we can create personalized ads to reach the maximum number of Instagram users and position our brand or product image. But not only advertising lives the image of a company. Let’s see some of the tools that Instagram offers us for companies.

Create an Instagram business account

The first step is to create our business account. To do this, just create a regular account, just as you did with your personal account. That is, you enter the official Instagram page and register with your data or your company data.

Once that account is created, to make it a business account you must go to Settings> Account> Change to a business account. Among other things, we must indicate the category of the company and contact information. Optionally, Instagram recommends us to connect our “business account with a Facebook page that is associated with your business. This way, you will be able to use all the available business functions more easily ”.

Verify your business on Instagram

Once we have our company with its own Instagram account, we can now verify it so that everyone knows that it is an official account and not an unofficial copy or version.

From Settings> Account> Request verification, we must fill out a form with the information required to verify that we are who we say we are. Those responsible for Instagram will review the request.

Meanwhile, Instagram recommends “writing a description in the personal data of your profile”, “ using stories as a means to offer an unpublished vision of your company” and, thirdly, “encouraging customers to tag your company in their publications so that people see them using your product or service ”.

Add multiple Instagram accounts

It is possible that we manage two or more Instagram accounts at the same time, either of one or more companies, of different products or brands of the same company … To facilitate their management, it is possible to alternate between them by configuring them in your Instagram app.

From Settings> Add account it is possible to log in to several Instagram accounts. To switch between the different configured accounts, we must go to our profile, touch our username and, finally, choose the account that we are going to use.

Manage your messages

When our Instagram account becomes an Instagram account for companies, the inbox will be a space to consult frequently to get the opinion and suggestions of our current or future clients.

In the words of Instagram, “your company profile on the platform is a combined inbox, that is, it shows the messages of people who already follow you and those of potential customers who still do not.”

Hence, it is convenient to filter the messages received, especially if we regularly use Instagram Direct. To highlight messages, we slide our fingers from right to left in the mobile version. And to filter it, just click on the Filters icon in the upper right corner of Direct.

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