3 Easy Dog Treat Recipes

Everyone who has a dog knows that no dog is better than a dog. You also know that snacks can be quite expensive. Save money and treat your dog with one of these three delightful and easy dog ​​treat recipes.

1. hot dog

It is a common fact that dogs love hot dogs. Remember the eye shape and tail wiggle when they see a hot dog. If you don’t have much time to prepare dog treats, but still want to make your own dog, hot dogs are the solution.

No need to cook completely, bring to room temperature. Cut each hot dog into bite-sized pieces, depending on how big your dog is. The perfect homemade dog treat is ready for you. However, don’t make it a habit to treat your dog every day, as hot dogs contain a lot of fat. You can also use turkey or chicken hot dogs.

2. Chicken

Chicken is a very tasty food for dogs. Not chicken bones! Many people think it is good to give chicken bones to dogs, but in reality it can be very dangerous. Chicken bones are brittle and when broken they break into very sharp pieces that can rupture your dog’s esophagus, stomach, or intestines. Don’t give your dog chicken bones!

Chicken, on the other hand, is perfectly safe and very tasty for dogs. Take the chicken breast and cook it in plain tap water. Do not add salt or spices. Not good for dogs. Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces and there’s another quick and tasty dog ​​treat. Treat your dog from a chicken bite and trust me, it will be your friend for life.

3. Dried Liver

The liver doesn’t like it, but the dog believes it. In fact, one with a dry liver as a snack will make your dog do what he wants.

The only ingredient needed for this simple dog treat is beef liver. Organic veal liver is much better if you can find it or can afford it. Forget about any kind of seasoning, it’s made for humans, not animals.

Cut the liver into thin strips and arrange the strips on a parchment lined sheet pan. Leave enough space between the slices. They should not touch each other. Preheat the oven to 200F and add the liver flakes. Bake for 1 hour, turn the pan and bake for another hour. If the liver strips are still not completely dry, keep them in the oven until dry. After the strips have completely cooled down, you can treat your dog for each new trick he has learned.

These dry liver strips can last up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator and up to 4 months in the freezer.

What treatment will your puppy receive today?

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